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Christopher Crank
Christopher Crank

Check Snmp Plugin Not Installed

On Windows hosts, the Icinga agent can query a local NSClient++ servicefor additional checks in case there are no plugins available. The NSCPinstaller is bundled with Icinga and can be installed with the setup wizard.

Check snmp Plugin Not Installed

The SNMP daemon runs on the remote system and answers SNMP queries by plugin scripts.The Monitoring Plugins package providesthe check_snmp plugin binary, but there are plenty of existing pluginsfor specific use cases already around, for example monitoring Cisco routers.

If no snmp_miblist is specified, the plugin will default to ALL. As the number of available MIB fileson the system increases so will the load generated by this plugin if no MIB is specified.As such, it is recommended to always specify at least one MIB.

NSClient++ works on both Windows and Linux platforms and is wellknown for its magnificent Windows support. There are alternatives like the WMI interface,but using NSClient++ will allow you to run local scripts similar to check plugins fetchingthe required output and performance counters.

For your own check plug-ins you will find a directory prepared in thelocal hierarchy of the site directory.This is local/lib/check_mk/base/plugins/agent_based/.Here in the path, base means the part of Checkmk that is responsible foractually monitoring and alerting. The agent_based is for all plug-insthat relate to the Checkmk agent (so not alerting plug-ins, for example).The easiest way to work with this is to switch to it:

Next to this there is the Details field, which used to be calledLong output of check plugin (multiline). Here all of the details of the stateare displayed, the idea being that all of the summary information is includedhere as well.

The first two steps are performed by registering an SNMP section.You do this by calling register.snmp_section(). Here you specify atleast three arguments: the name of the section (name), the details forthe SNMP detect detect, and the OID branches needed for actuallymonitoring (fetch). Here is an example of a hypothetical check plug-inwith the name foo:

If there is no suitable rule set (which is probably the usual situation), we will have to create a new one ourselves. To do this, we create a file in the local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/wato directory. The name of the file should be based on that of the check and, like all plug-in files, it must have the extension '.py'.

The group determines in which category in the setup the rule set should appear. Most of these groups are defined in the file lib/check_mk/gui/plugins/wato/utils/ There you will also find examples of how to create your own new group.

The topic of ValueSpecs is extremely flexible and extensive and would go beyond the scope of this article. Please have a look at the examples of the rule definitions supplied by Checkmk in lib/check_mk/gui/plugins/wato/check_parameters/. There are more than 500 files with examples.

Check command for the built-in dummy check. This allows to seta check result state and output and can be used in freshness checksor runtime object checks.In contrast to the check_dummyplugin, Icinga 2 implements a light-weight in memory check with 2.9+.

The check_dns pluginuses the nslookup program to obtain the IP address for the given host/domain query.An optional DNS server to use may be specified. If no DNS server is specified, thedefault server(s) specified in /etc/resolv.conf will be used.

The check_http plugintests the HTTP service on the specified host. It can test normal (http) and secure(https) servers, follow redirects, search for strings and regular expressions,check connection times, and report on certificate expiration times.

The check_ntp_peer pluginchecks the health of an NTP server. It supports checking the offset with the sync peer, thejitter and stratum. This plugin will not check the clock offset between the local host and NTP server; please use ntp_time for that purpose.

The check_pgsql plugintests a PostgreSQL DBMS to determine whether it is active and accepting queries.If a query is specified using the pgsql_query attribute, it will be executed afterconnecting to the server. The result from the query has to be numeric in orderto compare it against the query thresholds if set.

The check_procs pluginchecks all processes and generates WARNING or CRITICAL states if the specifiedmetric is outside the required threshold ranges. The metric defaults to numberof processes. Search filters can be applied to limit the processes to check.

The check_radius pluginchecks a RADIUS server to see if it is accepting connections. The server to testmust be specified in the invocation, as well as a user name and password. A configurationfile may also be present. The format of the configuration file is described in theradiusclient library sources. The password option presents a substantial securityissue because the password can possibly be determined by careful watching of thecommand line in a process listing. This risk is exacerbated because the plugin willtypically be executed at regular predictable intervals. Please be sure that thepassword used does not allow access to sensitive system resources.

A check-commands-windows.conf comes with Icinga 2, it assumes that the Windows Plugins are installed in the PluginDir set in your constants.conf. To enable them the following include directive is needed in you icinga2.conf:

Check command object for the check_disk.exe plugin.Aggregates the disk space of all volumes and mount points it can find, or the ones defined in disk_win_path. Ignores removable storage like flash drives and discs (CD, DVD etc.).The data collection is instant and free disk space (default, see disk_win_show_used) is used for threshold computation.

Check command object for the check_load.exe plugin.This plugin collects the inverse of the performance counter \Processor(_Total)\% Idle Time two times, with a wait time of one second between the collection. To change this wait time use perfmon-windows.

Check command object for the check_network.exe plugin.Collects the total Bytes inbound and outbound for all interfaces in one second, to itemise interfaces or use a different collection interval use perfmon-windows.

Check command object for the check_perfmon.exe plugin.This plugins allows to collect data from a Performance Counter. After the first data collection a second one is done after perfmon_win_wait milliseconds. When you know perfmon_win_counter only requires one set of data to provide valid data you can set perfmon_win_wait to 0.

Check command object for the check_ping.exe should automatically detect whether ping_win_address is an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If not, use ping4-windows and ping6-windows. Also note that check_ping.exe waits at least ping_win_timeout milliseconds between the pings.

Check command object for check_procs.exe plugin.When using procs_win_user this plugins needs administrative privileges to access the processes of other users, to just enumerate them no additional privileges are required.

Check command object for check_service.exe plugin.This checks thresholds work different since the binary decision whether a service is running or not does not allow for three states. As a default check_service.exe will return CRITICAL when service_win_service is not running, the service_win_warn flag changes this to WARNING.

Check command object for check_update.exe plugin.Querying Microsoft for Windows updates can take multiple seconds to minutes. An update is treated as important when it has the WSUS flag for SecurityUpdates or CriticalUpdates.

These check commands assume that the global constant named PluginContribDiris set to the path where the user installs custom plugins and can be enabled byuncommenting the corresponding line in icinga2.conf:

The pluginuses the Redis Perl library to monitor a Redis instance. The plugin canmeasure response time, hitrate, memory utilization, check replication synchronization, etc. It isalso possible to test data in a specified key and calculate averages or summaries on ranges.

The check_hpasm pluginmonitors the hardware health of HP Proliant Servers, provided that the hpasm(HP Advanced Server Management) software is installed. It is also able to monitorthe system health of HP Bladesystems and storage systems.

The hpasm_remote attribute enables the plugin to execute remote SNMP queries if set to true.For compatibility reasons this attribute uses true as default value, and ensures thatspecifying the hpasm_hostname always enables remote checks.

The check_openmanage pluginchecks the hardware health of Dell PowerEdge (and some PowerVault) servers.It uses the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) software, which must be running onthe monitored system. check_openmanage can be used remotely with SNMP or locally with icinga2 agent,check_by_ssh or similar, whichever suits your needs and particular taste.

The plugin checks the health of the storage subsystem, power supplies, memory modules,temperature probes etc., and gives an alert if any of the components are faulty or operate outside normal parameters.

The check_nwc_health pluginuses SNMP to monitor network components. The plugin is able to generate interface statistics,check hardware (CPU, memory, fan, power, etc.), monitor firewall policies, HRSP, load-balancerpools, processor and memory usage.

The plugin requires sudo permissions.You can add a sudoers file to allow your monitoring user to use the plugin, i.e. edit /etc/sudoers.d/icinga and add:icinga ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_fail2ban

The plugin requires sudo permissions.You can add a sudoers file to allow your monitoring user to use the plugin, i.e. edit /etc/sudoers.d/icinga and add:icinga ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_btrfs

Check command object for the check_vmware_esx plugin. List of vmware machines and their power state. BEWARE!! In larger environments systems can cause trouble displaying the informations needed due to the mass of data. Use vmware_alertonly to avoid this.

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